I'm currently on the lookout for someone interested in contributing to 2bitGamers. I know how incredibly amazing I am, but I can't do it alone. There aren't enough hours in the day to keep up with news, reviews and everything else. If any of you, or anyone you know, is an avid PC gamer and enjoys writing about games almost as much as playing them, send them this way.
I'm looking for someone who can write reviews, previews and/or short news stories on a fairly regular basis. This would not be a paid position at this time, unfortunately. I wish I could afford to pay someone, but until I hit those lucky numbers, that isn't possible. One day, when making a little money from the site is feasible, payment is a strong possibility. But at this time, no can do. All I can offer are games. Not every game you may desire, but plenty games to keep you busy. That's why I need someone who loves doing this. I need someone who wants to write about games because they enjoy it and they have a passion for it.
If you or anyone you know would be interested in writing for 2bitGamers, please send an email to
There are a few requirements, so please read on:
* You must be 18 years of age
* You must provide a writing sample or samples
* You must be capable of completing writing assignments (reviews, etc.) on a timely basis
* You must have a good grasp of the English language
* You must be prepared to put in long, hard hours working and slaving away in front of a computer monitor for days on end without a single break (I'm flexible on this)
* You must do this all without pay (If it makes you feel any better, I have yet to make a penny on this. Money only exits my wallet when it comes to 2bitGamers)
* You must be prepared to have more games than you know what to do with
So that's the deal. You write, I provide games and hopefully one day we can all make money doing what we love right here at 2bitGamers.